
Friday, February 24, 2012

{Life} I Went to the Desert

Broken Hill Broken Hill
Broken Hill Broken Hill Broken Hill Broken Hill Broken Hill Broken Hill Broken Hill Broken Hill Broken Hill Last October I went way out west into the Australian outback for a teaching practicum. I saw some amazing things, met some special people (including Renee and Jake from Tennessee) and all in all had a brilliant time. It was a while ago now, but I was going through some photos tonight and I wanted to share some of them with you.

I went to Broken Hill (an many other places in between) and I really recommend the trip.

Oh and incase anyone is wondering, those scary looking cars are from the movie 'Mad Max'.

xx Samantha Alice

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1 comment:

  1. Awesome trip photos. There is nothing in Hawai'i that even compares to your pictures.

    I am in awe with that HUGE bench. What's the story behind that?

    Anyway, it looked like you had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing your holiday!


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