Have you ever noticed something and then not stopped seeing it, like everywhere? I came across a blog post that listed the 23 things the writer wanted to do by the time they were 24; it was their 23 by 24 list. I hadn't heard of this before, but since then I swear they are all over the place. I thought why not give it a whirl.
Well Whirl I did. I am sharing it with you here because quite a lot of them relate to blogging and other online projects. So here it is, my 26 by 27. It is a bit late given that my 26th was last August but oh well. And yes, I know, I am old; so very old.
Some of these may seem a little on the silly side but I wanted to give myself a chance for small wins.
Have you set goals for the year or have a list like mine? Tell me all about it in the comments!
Also my vintage sewing giveaway is still running so head over
HERE and enter for your chance to win some vintage goodies.
Adieu x